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czwartek, 23 grudnia 2010

V.A. - We Wish You A Merry Christmas (1983)

Album: We Wish You A Merry Christmas
Artist: Haruomi Hosono, Moonriders, Miharu Koshi, Koji Ueno, Jun Togawa, Taeko Onuki, Ginji Itou, Hajime Tachibana, Yukihiro Takahashi
Date of release: 2005.11.23 (originally published in 1983)


01. 25 Dec.1983 (細野晴臣)
02. 銀紙の星飾り (Moonriders) (Gingami no Hoshikazari)
03. Belle Tristesse 妙なる悲しみ (越美晴) (Myōnaru Kanashimi)
04. Pre[']lude et Choral (上野耕路)
05. 降誕節 (戸川純) (Kōtanbushi)
06. Ce jour la[、]…… (あの日)(Pierre Barouh) (Ano hi)
07. 祈り (大貫妙子) (Inori)
08. ほこりだらけのクリスマス・ツリー (伊藤銀次) (Hokoridarake no Christmas Tree)
09. WHITE AND WHITE (立花ハジメ)
10. ドアを開ければ…… (高橋幸宏) (Doa o Akereba……)

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