All uploads published here are ours. Some of them are based on old links from our old forums, and may contain different url/description (mostly "").

Discographies are specified by main album artists or composers.

"Johnny's" refers to Johnny enetertaiment's bands (Johnny&Associates).

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piątek, 26 marca 2010

Hirotaka Izumi - 時のないみち (2003)

Album: A Timeles Road 時のないみち (Toki no Naimichi)
Artist: Hirotaka Izumi
Date of release: 2003.10.22


01 My Homeland (ふるさと)
02 Sand Hills (砂山)
03 Gift Of The Tides (椰子の果)
04 Pier 7 (七番埠橋)
05 Memories of Alice (アリスの思い出)
06 Moonlight Over Sand Dune (月の沙漠)
07 Daragonfly (赤とんぼ)
08 Empty Classroom (誰もいない敎室)
09 Catcher in the Rye (麥畑の夕暮)
10 Light of Hope in Snow (雪の降る街を)
11 I Have Been Here Before (この道)
12 In the Plum Yard (探梅)
13 Ode to Early Spring (早春賦)
14 Castle Under the Moon (荒城の月)
15 Terra di Verde (綠の大地)
16 Summer Has Come (夏は來ぬ)

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